1 Overview
This document provides an in-depth description of how to deploy the Hybrid Connection on a client environment in order for data from an On-Premise solution to be accessible.
2 Hybrid Connection Installation
Install Hybrid Connection (Client)
- If Hybrid Connection has never been installed before then it needs to be downloaded and installed
- Navigate to portal.azure.com
- Navigate to your web app in the Azure portal
- Go to the networking blade of your web app
- Select “Hybrid Connections” under outbound traffic
- You should see a “download connection manager” button near the top left of this new blade
- Accept the terms (click checkbox) and click Install. Note the Hybrid Connection just needs to be installed on a server in the same environment as the server that is being connected to.
- Once the Hybrid Connection Manager is installed browse to it at Hybrid Connection UI
- If you already have a Hybrid Connection set up this is where you will go to add another one or delete an old one.
- In Hybrid Connection Manager UI click the Enter Manually button and paste the connection string provided by DynamicPoint when prompted to do so.
- Once done installing Hybrid Connection(s) let DynamicPoint know so we can test on our end.