2 – Hybrid Connection Deployment Guide – Client

1     Overview

This document provides an in-depth description of how to deploy the Hybrid Connection on a client environment in order for data from an On-Premise solution to be accessible.

2     Hybrid Connection Installation

Install Hybrid Connection (Client)

  1. If Hybrid Connection has never been installed before then it needs to be downloaded and installed
  2. Navigate to portal.azure.com
  3. Navigate to your web app in the Azure portal
  4. Go to the networking blade of your web app
  5. Select “Hybrid Connections” under outbound traffic
  6. You should see a “download connection manager” button near the top left of this new blade
  7. Accept the terms (click checkbox) and click Install. Note the Hybrid Connection just needs to be installed on a server in the same environment as the server that is being connected to.
  8. Once the Hybrid Connection Manager is installed browse to it at Hybrid Connection UI
  9. If you already have a Hybrid Connection set up this is where you will go to add another one or delete an old one.
  10. In Hybrid Connection Manager UI click the Enter Manually button and paste the connection string provided by DynamicPoint when prompted to do so.
  11. Once done installing Hybrid Connection(s) let DynamicPoint know so we can test on our end.