DynamicPoint Blog
Office 365 and EasyAP365 Invoice Automation – Automate Receiving 3 Different Ways
Organizations leverage many variations in business processes when creating goods receipts and invoice documents, dependent upon if they are performing a three way match, two way match or non-PO invoice. ERP applications provide functionality to ensure you can...
Vendor Invoice Approval with Microsoft Power Automate
So, if anyone out there is using Office 365 and has not automated (or is paying a ton to do so) their vendor invoice approval process, welcome Microsoft Power Automation. Using your existing Office 365 subscription in conjunction with SharePoint and Microsoft Power...
Streamline Your Vendor Invoice Submission with Employee Check Requests
Vendor invoices can be received in many forms. Email, fax, mail and portal web form submission are a few of the more popular methods. But what if you have employees within your organization receiving the invoices and you want to provide them with an automated...
Accept Payments Using an Office 365 SharePoint Customer Portal
DynamicPoint has added credit card processing to its Microsoft Office 365-based customer portal solution. Now, in addition to viewing and printing existing invoices, customers can enter credit card and ACH payments directly on the portal. Chose Your Processing...
Add Contract Management to Your Office 365 Customer Portal
A common complement to DynamicPoint’s Office 365 Customer Portal is Contract Management. Leveraging the portal’s integration with various ERP applications, in conjunction with SharePoint document management and Power Automate workflows and connectors, you can apply...
Add Reporting and Analytics with a Customer or Vendor Portal
In addition to sharing data from your ERP or CRM system, Customer and Vendor Portals can offer the distribution of reports and analytics - such as a sales order or monthly statement with your customers, or a vendor performance dashboard with your suppliers. With...
Looking for a Simple Portal? Please Don’t Use Office 365
Looking for a simple portal? Please don’t use Office 365! Using Office 365 SharePoint for a basic customer or vendor portal is like buying a Lamborghini to go to the grocery store. Not that it wouldn’t work but are you really getting the value out of your investment...
Match Shipping Documents to Invoices using Office 365
With accounts payable invoice automation often comes the need to receive, reconcile, and electronically file shipping documents together with the vendor’s invoice. This includes such items as bill of ladings (BOL), goods receipts, and purchase orders jointly with the...
AP Automation for the Rest of Us
Have you checked out accounts payable automation solutions only to find they are extremely high priced and only make sense if you are processing several thousands of vendor invoices a month? Well, meet DynamicPoint’s EasyAP365 - the AP automation for the rest of us....
Customer Portal Exposes Microsoft Dynamics ERP Service Modules
The service modules within Microsoft Dynamics offer a compelling case for extending critical information to a SharePoint Portal. Within the administration of servicing customers there are typically many touch points not only with the customer but also with internal...